Here is a youtube video I found interesting, while there is a some non-essential information, he covers a wide range of health related information that challenged my paradigms. See below for a table of contents overview, complete with time stamps (including the trick for making McDonalds food healthy).
Conquer yourself, not the world.
And everything around you will change.
…7 day watermelon fast
…some people can have sugar, some people can’t
it’s just an understanding of your body
@18:25 / 18:35
..removing food will heal you faster than any diet or thing you can eat
…structured water (juice fasting) vs water fasting (non-structured)
…where do cows get their protein? plants.
…the cows process/pull the liquid from the grass, the protein is now in their body
…we eat their meat for protein, which got it from the grass
…blended mcdonalds food is healthy simply because it will exit your body faster
…there’s protein in all greens, but if you didn’t chew/process it, you didn’t pull the juice from it, you didn’t get the protein from it…
…unless your chewing 30-50 times, your not getting the benefit
…microwave & vitamix, same machine
…doesn’t get more nutrition
…change the strucutre of the water: both versions will kill a plant
50% cucumber (water base), 10% celery, then whatever leafy greens you can find (spinach, kale, cabbage, sprouts)
sunflower greens, wheat grass, pea greens = complete protien
/\ raw unheated honey will help perserve it longer (can last 24 hours)
wheat grass doesn’t last that long, but other green juice can (even though its better to drink sooner vs later)
…green smoothies are fruit, not greens
…superfood definition
…greens & algae
oxygen levels:
10m yrs ago = 30% to 35%
10k yrs ago = 30% to 35%
100 yrs ago = 30%
30 yrs ago = 25%
any downtown major city = 8%
what is the difference between rude & polite? your perception
your stomach is only as big as your fist
it’s elastic and can expand fast, but not retract as fast
you are creating hunger by not chewing your food & expanding your stomach
don’t drink water with your meal, it packs down the food & stretches out your stomach
stay off of all dairy, or you’ll gain weight
if you blend your meal, you fill up that ‘food bag’ perfectly
we all eat emotionally and socially
…you create what you say
…whatever you think you create
…verbal diet (thought diet)
…great healers: fasting, meditation, breathing
…you will ask 100 people the exact same room, until you hear what you want to hear
…whatever you believe, it’s ok, becuase it’s your body & you’re smart enough to know
…goji berry & sugar story
…tape recorder therapy
…medical field used to ask simple questions about your diet, day, & job
…his Monterrey health center: green juices & watermelon juice (if sugar works for you), he removes raw food (unlike Hippocrates) which lets your body heal faster. What takes 3 weeks he does in 10 days.
…enema vs colon cleansing vs colema boards
…1 colonic will do the same thing for your eyes, as 10 years of drinking carrot juice
…mud on concrete, poo building up on walls, no longer absorbing nutrients
…enema = spray the mud with garden hose for 2-3 minutes
…colema = spray it for about 20 minutes (gravity fed, home unit, gentle way at home)
…colonic = spray it for about an hour
…if you haven’t ever done it, don’t talk to me about it
…until you’ve done it, don’t tell me your opinion on it
…10 juice fast + 10 day colema cleanse (20 gallons every day, essentially home colonic)
…even on the 10th day there still stuff coming out
…would also take psycillium for fiber
…5 to 10 days of colon cleansing (not daily every day for a year)
…tip: don’t tell anyone you’re doing a juice fast (they spew their thoughts on you)
…Ann Wigmore founded Hippocrates
…she healed herself from chewing on lawn grass (after weeks)
…pet (dogs/cats) instinct causes them to eat grass (and throw it up)
…she chose wheat grass because it has the best taste
…same results: fresh wheat grass juice 1 week = 1yr for powder = 2yr for frozen
…if you can’t get 1oz fresh wheat grass, the next best thing is a green juice (8-10oz)
…fresh wheat grass 1oz = fresh green juice 8-10oz; wheat grass is just concentrated
…fresh wheat grass 1oz – 2oz max, is all that is needed at any single time
…wheat grass is a medicine, a detoxifier pulling heavy metals from your body, chlorophyll helps distribute oxygen to your cells…
…wheat grass after it’s ready to cut, if sits for just 2 days longer ages roughly 80 years (taste only?) and the more bitter it gets. Can also cut it, store it in fridge, it will stay fresh up to 2 weeks @ 38 degrees.
…ceramic blades are better than stainless steel (sliced apple test)
…also last longer since don’t have to sharpen
…the best way to drink is to swish it around your mouth to mix with enzymes
…best enzymes are in the morning, drink a little water
…after wheat grass shot, likes to swish a little water too as a chaser
…try adding a couple mint leaves for taste
…or mix with any other green herb for fun/variety
…can also use garlic or ginger (wonderful detoxifiers)
…drink wheatgrass immediately (after 2hrs just throw it out)
…green juice holds up better
October 2011 opened his retreat center, 50% off… Nov is grand opening 25% off.
…kriss kar, stage 4
…cancer & chemo, 50/50 chance
…why not do a cleanse? 95% get better at retreats, medical field will never touch that
…medical field wants to slice open cancer tumors
…vs in 3 weeks, a tumor the size of fist will shrink to a pea
biggest addictive habit? alcohol, tobacco, sugar, caffeine? nope those are all easy. food is our biggest addiction, and it’s the hardest thing to stop you from doing, because we are convinced that we need it. He eats once a day. If you don’t have the time to chew your food, saw/slice/cut it into tiny pieces.
…wheatgrass growing questions
Hi Amelie. Enzymes are good to take before a meal, pending on what the meal is. Drinking structured water is a great thing all the time! Feel free to email me if you have any other questions. :)?
dvd: 2hr on growing wheat grass step by step
dvd: eat more superfoods (these days just means food) Hippocrates chef
dry sauna
show how to grow grass
TDP lamp plate heals joint pains, internal organs, etc (cheap on amazon)
$15k laser, laser light therapy.
Foot baths
colema boards
he usually uses the Omega 8006, but his screen broke…
emotional therapy + nutritional therapy & green juice fasting + dry sauna.
find where he says “cancer is no big thing” and he has helped numerous people overcome it…