So you just consumed a delicious green smoothie, you feel great, and proud of yourself for taking the time to consciously take care of your body by feeding it something healthy. A few months go by, you’ve developed this wonderful habit.
Then one day someone dumps on your parade, and starts mocking you: “You’re fooling yourself. Those aren’t green smoothies, just a bunch of fruit with a couple leafs of kale. You didn’t increase your intake of greens very efficiently – you’re blending it at ridiculously high RPM, might as well stick it in a microwave!”
This just happened to me, maybe I embellished a little. But it struck me as funny how we tend to pick a side and defend it with all our vigor. After getting over the initial knee-jerk reaction of taking offense, I thought about it some more and it did make some sense. While blending was light-years ahead of drinking sugary soda pop, I decided to focus on upping my portions of greens & lower the amount of fruit. I also looked at other ways to boost my intake of greens.
Like many others, I initially started out with juicing after watching Fat Sick & Nearly Dead. But I quickly opted out, and switched in favor of blending. Juicing was too much work, too much waste, and too expensive. I had learned that juicing fruit could be taking one step forward and two steps back, too much sugar. But if consumed with the fiber, the sugars would time release, instead of dump into your bloodstream all at once.
I started to take a second look at juicing, and this time with a focus on greens. My main barrier was the cost. (show before after pictures of fruit/greens) This started me on a journey of growing my own greens so I will have plenty to juice, and even potentially create a part time income from it.
Wheat grass is quick & relatively easy to grow, having never grown anything, I started there. Then shortly after started growing sunflower seed sprouts. The next goal is to grow other sprouts such as broccoli, kale, green chard, etc.
Benefits of Blending:
• fiber included, not wasting food/pulp
• easier to clean
• costs less
• fruit can prevent you from losing weight (TF/SCD)
Benefits of Juicing:
• dense concentration nutrients
• easier on the digestion system
• easy way to get lots of greens
• can promote weight loss faster
Not unlike the Playstation vs Xbox war, perpetual fanboys will always fight for the ‘better’ side. Sure they both have their pros & cons. At the end of the day, either one is an excellent choice. It boils down to your needs, although an easy way to squash that argument, is to have both!