Table of Contents
Dr. David Brownstein, M.D.
The History of Iodine
Is Iodine Dangerous or Safe?
Do we get enough Iodine from Salt?
Iodine Deficiency Across the Globe
Why Iodine & the Benefits?
Taking an Iodine Supplement
RDA: How much Iodine per day?
Iodine Side Effects
Iodine Testimonials
Iodine Deficiency Symptoms
Iodine is a Detoxifying Agent
Iodine vs Iodide
How to Test for Iodine Deficiency
Iodine: Nodules, Cysts, Fibrosis & Cancer
Iodine & ADD / ADHD
Iodine & Pregnancy
Iodine & Cholesterol
Iodine & Sunscreen
Iodine & Cardiovascular Disease
Iodine & Breast Illness
Iodine & Autoimmune Disorders
Iodine & Your Thyroid
There is a dramatic difference between ‘radioactive iodine’ and ‘inorganic non-radioactive iodine’. When people think iodine, they typically think of the former, not the latter. Most likely from the misuse & tarnish by conventional medicine.
“Iodine is the most misunderstood nutrient.”
—Dr. David Brownstein, M.D.
When you take the time to dig a little deeper, you will soon realize how critical iodine is to the human body. And without proper levels, how the human body suffers. You will learn the U.S. RDA is completely wrong about how much the body needs, the how & why iodine deficiency is a global problem, and the benefits of testimonials as a direct result of iodine supplementation.
Dr. David Brownstein, M.D.
Dr. David Brownstein, M.D. always knew he wanted to be a physician even as young boy. After medical school and finishing residency, he was practicing as a conventional doctor at which point would advise his patients to avoid holistic medicine. He considered this ‘witchcraft’ with little to no science behind it.
After a few months of working with his patients, he began to grow uncomfortable with what he was doing. The drugs he would subscribe catered to the symptoms, not the underlying cause of the illness. And many times he’d have to treat the side effect of one drug with another drug. The discomfort quickly grew to the point where he concluded he no longer wanted to be a doctor.
His father was suffering from cardiovascular disease, his first heart attack at age 40, shortly followed by another, as well as bypass surgeries and angioplasties. Under the care of some of the best doctors, his father was on multiple medications, the very same Dr. Brownstein had been taught were appropriate. However little progress was had, his father was not well, to the point where Dr. Brownstein believed his father was dying.
One of Dr. Brownstein’s former patients had given him the book “Healing With Nutrtion” by Dr. Johnathon Wright, which suggested that heart disease was not a drug deficiency symptom, but rather a nutritional and hormonal imbalance problem. Dr. Brownstein applied some natural therapies on his father, and within seven days a twenty-five year history of malgina (TK) dissipated, cholesterol levels formerly stuck in the 300’s decreased to below 200 without changing diet or exercise habits, and his father looked and acted much better. Witnessing these changes, Dr. Browstein knew that holistic medicine was the direction he wanted to pursue.
A small amount of natural thyroid hormone was one of the first treatments used on his father, which resulted in a vast improvement. Despite normal thyroid blood tests, his father had every symptom to meet the diagnosis of hyperthroidism, including a diagnosis of aprolscrolis (TK) and hyper-cholesteral. Since then Dr. Brownstein continues to research thyroid problems to this day, and has since published the book “Overcoming Thyroid Disorders”. It describes why commonly used blood tests are not accurately detecting the majority of those with thyroid problems. Iodine deficiency is one of the culprits of a thyroid disorder, which was contrary to his medical school teachings stating that iodine deficiency did not exist in present times because of iodize salt, and that iodine treatments would make thyroid problems worse.
It wasn’t until several years later that Dr. Brownstein was able to confirm his belief that the majority of his patients were iodine deficient, upon learning about and collaborating with Dr. Guy Abraham who had developed sophisticated testing that was able to measure for iodine sufficiency in the body, as well as toxic levels of black iodine. More details on the subject of iodine, why it is the most misunderstood nutrient, and why Dr. Brownstein believes the vast majority of people can improve their health by ensuring their body has adequate amounts of iodine.
Center for Holistic Medicine
5821 W Maple Rd. Ste. 192
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
(248) 851-1600
Iodine (3rd edition of his book will be out in a month according to video, on amazon 3rd edition is showing as 2009 – TK)
The History of Iodine
Iodine was first discovered in 1811, and is known as the birth of western medicine. The number one cause of goiter or swollen thyroid is iodine deficiency.
In 1824 Boussingault observed that goiter did not occur at many silver mining sites. What he found was that miners who showed up to work with goiter or a swollen thyroid, had their condition disappeared. So he did some research, and ascertained it was the iodine in the silver mining sites that was causing the goiter to go away.
He wrote about it in an article, and this was the first time that one single item (iodine) treated one single condition or illness (goiter). This was the birth of western medicine, because this is how western medicine is practiced today.
Dr Brownstein was taught in medical school how to diagnose pathology, and how to prescribe the one drug to treat that pathology. He was never taught about health and how to maintain it. Brownstein is a firm believer that one cannot achieve optimal health without insuring adequate iodine intake, and has treated multiple patients from his holistic practice that reaffirm this belief.
Is Iodine Dangerous or Safe?
“Medical Iodophopbia is the unwarranted fear of using and recommending inorganic, non-radioactive iodine/iodide within the range known from the collective experience of the three generations of clinicians to be the safest and most effective amounts for treating symptoms and signs of iodine/iodide deficiency (12.5 to 50mg per day).” -Dr. G Abraham, 2004
The media has put a big fear in us about iodine. Dr Brownstein says iodine is the most misunderstood nutrient. You can achieve your optimal health once you ensure you have adequate iodine intake.
• As iodine levels decrease across the U.S. over the past 30 years, there is a correlation of increased disease…
• Iodine was the discovery of western medicine…
• these studies show iodine…
Iodine Deficiency Across the Globe
Iodine deficiency is a growing problem worldwide. 72% of the worlds population is affected by iodine deficiency.
30 years ago, only 2.6% of the US population was iodine deficient, but this number has quickly grown to 20%+.
1/3 of the world’s population live in an iodine deficient area, encompassing 129 countries. This translates to decreased childhood survival rate in iodine deficient areas.
Neonatal mortality declines over 50% when iodine deficiency is rectified.
World Health Organization (WHO) claims iodine deficiency is the world’s greatest single cause of preventable mental retradation.
In the midwest, the “goiter belt”, the soil there is known to be one of the most iodine deficient areas in the world
Boston Study:
Of 100 consecutive healthy pregnant women:
-50% found to be below the RDA 220 micrograms/day
-9% below 50 micrograms/day (classified as severe iodine deficiency by WHO)
Why Iodine & the Benefits?
Iodine is a trace element found in small amounts in the human body. Iodine is a rare element. It is 62nd in abundance of the elements of the earth, the bottom third of elements in terms of abundance.
“Iodine is the one single thing in 15 years of practicing holistic medicine that I’ve seen that has the best results for my patients.” -Dr Brownstein
“There are only four elements in the body: water, salt, soda and iodine.” -Edgar Cayce
“If we have adequate amounts of these four elements in balance, the body is fully capable of creating all other elements in the universe.” -Edgar Cayce
NOTE: Soda is referring to the pH balance of the body.
These four elements form the basis of our body, the raw materials that our body needs to produce everything else & to function as healthy individuals.
You can’t achieve your optimal health without insuring adequet iodine intake. -Dr Brownstein
Iodine Benefits
Elevates pH (alkalinizing agent)
Iodine & unrefined salt are the two most beneficial things to balance the pH in the body, and help correct an acid problem. Over acidification is common in people with chronic illness.
Iodine Deficiency causes the following:
• intelluctual deficiency
• goiter
• hypotheryoidism
• autoimmune thyroid illness
• thyroid cancer and other cancers
Prodcution of Thyroid Hormone:
T4, T3, T2, T1
Neccessary for the Production of All the Hormones in the Body:
Adrenals, Ovaries, Testicles. No hormone can be produced without adequate iodine levels in the body. And if you have inadquate iodine levels, you will have inadquate homrone production.
Formation of Normal Architecture of the Glandular Tissue:
• breast
• thyroid
• ovary
• testicle (most likely the prostate even though studies haven’t been done)
All the glandular tissue in the body requires iodine. Again, if you have inadquate iodine levels, you will have inadquate glandular production.
Iodine: Therapeutic Actions
• The best Alkalizing agent out there.
• The best Anti-bacterial agent, there has never been a bacteria that’s shown to be resistant to iodine.
• An Anti-cancer agent that can turn off the cancer producing cells of the breasts, prostate, and thyroid.
• An Anti-parasitic agent, no parasite has shown to be resistant to iodine.
• An Anti-viral agent, no virus has shown to be resistant to iodine.
• A Mucolytic agent that helps develop mucas.
Conditions Treated with Iodine
These are some of the conditions Dr Browstein has treated in his office with iodine:
• Atherosclerosis
• Breast Disease
• Cancer (Breast, Ovaries, Prostate, Thyroid)
• Diabetes (diabetics are notoriously low on iodine levels)
• Dupuytren’s Contracture (topical iodine)
• Excess Mucous Production from Chronic Brochittus
• Hemorrhoids (topical iodine)
• Headaches
• Hypertension (very difficult to treat, many improve once iodine levels are corrected)
• Infections
• Keloids
• Liver Diseases such as Hepatitis (Enterohepatic Circulation)
• Ovarian Cysts
• Parotid Duet Stones
• Peryonie’s
• Sebaccous Cysts
• Thyroid Disorders (hypo, autoimmune, cancer)
Dr Browstein believes iodine deficiency is an underlying cause, if not THE underlying cause, for most of the diseases listed above.
Iodine Side Effects
Taking an Iodine Supplement
Natural Iodine Sources
• usually found in sea water and sea organisms
• seaweed can contain large amounts of iodine
• soil near the ocean can have larger amounts of iodine
• plants grown on iodine-containing soil will have adequate levels iodine levels
• iodine can also combine with salt, which yields iodized salt
Iodine Supplements
Lugol’s Solution
Iodine is not very soluble in water. Dr. Lugol (1829) found that when potassium iodide is added to water it increased the solubility of iodine.
He created Lugol’s solution: 5% iodine and 10% potassium iodide in distilled water. Of which 2 drops of Lugol’s solution contains 5mg of iodine and 7.5mg of iodide.
It was used well through the 1800’s and early 1900’s before patent medicine took hold. It was the most used medication, and widely available at most apothecaries. It was recommended for almost any condition, including infection.
The prescription form of iodine available through most doctors. It is a saturated solution of potassium iodide. 100g KI/100ml (1g/ml), one drop is 50mg of iodide. Other ingredients include glycerin, ethanol, acetone, and water.
This was what Dr Brownstein was using in his practice before he learned about the correct forms of iodine and iodide. He wasn’t seeing negative results, but was not getting postive results either.
How to Dose Iodine
• Use a combination of iodine & iodide
• Lugol’s Solution
1 drop: 6.25mg (2.5mg iodine / 4mg iodide)
• Tableted Lugol’s
1 capsule: 12.5mg (5mg iodine / 7.5mg iodide)
Lugol’s is the original old fashioned remedy. However the liquid version tastes bad, which makes the tableted version a popular alternative.
Dr Brownstein’s experiences have been therapeutic doses of iodine/iodide combinations vary between 6 to 50 mg per day for the majority of people.
And if you’re sick, chronic illness, cancer, autoimmune disorder, or thyroid problems, the doses required are higher.
Iodine Dosage Guidelines
While the RDA is 150 micrograms/day, it is inadequate to supply the body’s need.
The dosage must be individualized. Always use a combination of iodine and iodide.
Do appropriate testing pre & post.
RDA: How much Iodine per day?
The RDA (recommended daily allowance) is 150 micrograms for the adult male & female. Slightly higher for pregnant (220) & lactating (290) women.
However, Dr Brownstein refers to the RDA as “rats, drugs, and assumptions” or “really dumb advice.” He recommends 12 to 50 milligrams per day, which is enough to prevent goiter or the swelling of the thyroid gland. But that is not enough to provide for normal thyroid function, and it’s not enough to provide for the rest of the body’s iodine needs. And further warns there are consequences for not providing enough iodine for the whole body.
Every 10 years the United States government does a National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES). They look for common minerals, vitamins, and toxicity items from 8,000 to 10,000 people. They extrapolate those numbers out nationally, and it gives them an idea of what’s happening in the country nutritionally.
From 1970 to 2000, NHANES show iodine levels delcined by 50% in the United States. (20:40 & 47:00)
What’s happened over the last 30 years? There are two things to consider, why is has changed and what are the consequences?
During the same time that iodine levels have fallen 50% over the last 30 years in the USA, there have been increased incidences of Thyroid illnesses (hypothyroidsim, autoimmune thryoid disorders, and thyroid cancer) as well as Cancers of the breast, prostate, endometrium and ovaries – all have elelvated instances.
All of these conditions can be caused by iodine deficiency.
NHANSE shows that the proportion of the US population with moderate to severe iodine deficiency (less than 50 micro-grams in urine) has increase over 400% in the last 20 years. Refer to NHANES I @ 2.6% (1970) vs NHANES III @ 11.7% (1990). As of 2000(TK) is is approaching 20%.
However, students are still taught today in medical school that if you give people iodine, you’re going to cause the very illnesses that Dr Brownstein believes iodine cures. And if one already have these illnesses, iodine will make them worse. How can we have two polar opposite opinions?
Here you can see a patient with a 1cm nodule was prescribed 75mg/day combination of iodine & iodide.
Here you can learn about the different iodine supplements
Iodine is a Detoxifying Agent
Flouride, Chloride, Bromide, & Iodine are all members of the same family on the Periodic Table, a group known as hailites. they share similar characteristics such as size and shape, and if you take too much of one it can kick out one of the other family members. This is called ‘competitive inhibition’.
For example, if you take too much flouride, you can cause your body to release iodine. Too much bromide, and your body can release iodine. Conversly, if you have too much iodine this can cause your body to release flouride or bromide.
This is good, because we don’t want bromide or flouride in our body in high amounts, in fact we don’t want them in our body even in low amounts. The problem is in today’s environment, we are exposed to excess flouride & bromide, but not enough iodine.
Iodine vs Iodide
The reduced form of iodine is known as iodide, it has an additional electron, which gives the whole molecule a full complement of electrons. The oxidized form is iodine, it’s lacking an extra electron in its outer shell.
iodine = the oxidized form
iodide = the reduced form
Dr Browstein was taught in medical school that iodine and iodide can be easily converted from one form to the other in the body. Dr Brownstein states that clinically this is not true, to get the best results you need to use both iodine & iodide. And what he was not taught in medical school, was that different tissue bind different kinds of iodine:
iodine = breast, prostate, & stomach tissue
iodide = thyroid gland, salivary glands, & skin
We don’t know where the rest of the body binds iodine or iodide, because the studies haven’t been done. But Dr Browsetin states that clinically if you’re going to use iodine for anything in the body, use a combination of iodine & iodide, this provides a better systematic effect compared to using just one form alone.
How to Test for Iodine Deficiency
You cannot improve upon what you cannot measure.
15 years ago, there was no great test to determine iodine deficiency
Dr. Guy Abraham had developed sophisticated testing that was able to measure for iodine sufficiency in the body. In his measurements, he found a large majority of people deficient in iodine, and toxic with some chemicals that block iodine.
Dr Brownstein sent 50 samples, 96% test markedly low for iodine.
What about urine tests?
Iodine: Nodules, Cysts, Fibrosis & Cancer
He had a patient where an ultrasound revealed a nodule over 1cm in size. Since there was also low levels of iodine, Dr Browstein perscribed 75mg/day combination of iodine & iodide. 6 months later during a follow up ultrasound, the nodule had disappeared.
Dr. Brownstein had practiced holisitc medicine for about 7-8 years before using iodine. He found that many of patients that had thyroid and other endrocrin disorders were much better after they were corrected with thyroid hormones and other vitamins and minerals in the body. But he never saw nodules and fibrosis improve, and that included nodules & fibrosis on the thyroid, uteries, ovaries, breasts, and prostate on men. While their health would improve, they would still have these same nodules, cysts & fibrosis areas. it wasn’t until he started using iodine, that the nodules would disappear.
What happens when one is iodine deficient, is when you get nodules, cysts, fibrosis, and eventually you can get cancer. that includes in the thyroid gland, the breasts, the uteris, the prostate, and all the hormone glands in the body.
the only thing that can correct this is iodine. He has seen some of the most amazing results with iodine, and had never seen changes like this until he started using iodine.
ironically, he was taught in medical school that iodine can cause these nodules & cysts to happen, yet first hand experience has proven the opposite to be true. cancer of the thyroid, cancer of the breasts, the prostate, the uteris, ovaries, and just generally associated problems with those glands are from iodine deficiency, and can only be treated when you rectify an iodine deficiency problem.
Iodine & ADD / ADHD
Nearly 20% of public school age boys on some psychoactive medication, including ridilin and antidepressants, when actually these children don’t have a medication deficiency syndrome going on. They simply have imbalances in their nutrition, and once corrected, the behavioral problems go away.
Dr Brownstein believes iodine deficiency is responsible for this rising epidemic of ADD. He continues that they do not need to be medicated with toxic subscriptions, they need to have their nutritional deficiencies corrected. He sees positive results in his practice every day.
Iodine & Pregnancy
The RDA for pregnant women is 220 micrograms per day, and for lactating women it is 290 mircograms per day.
Only 35% of prescription prenatal vitamins contain iodine.
Of the prenatal vitamins that do contain iodine, only 15% have more than 150 micrograms of iodine per daily dose, which is the RDA for adult men and women.
Case Study #1
16 women from iodine-deficient area of Italy were compared to 7 women from higher iodine area during pregnancy.
The women from iodine deficient area had reduced T4, decrease of FT4 with elevated TSH in 50% of pregnant women. This leads to thyroid problems for the baby.
“It is hypothesized that the imbalance of maternal thyroid hormone homeostasis during pregnancy as a consequence of endemic iodine deficiency may be responsible for the impaired psychoneurological development observed in children from that area. Appropriate iodine and/or thyroxine prophylaxis to women in that region may prevent the neurobehavioral, cognitive and motor compromise of that population.”
Case Study #2
16 women living in a iodine-deficient area versus 11 women living in an iodine-sufficient area.
After 10 year follow-up, ADHD diagnosed in 11 of the 16 women living in an iodine deficient area. And 0 of the 11 who lived in iodine-sufficient area.
IQ lower in iodine-deficient area, 88 versus IQ of 99 in iodine-sufficient area.
Iodine & Cholesterol
“In 1918, researchers demonstrated that feeding iodine to rabbits could prevent the deposition of cholesterol in arteries of rabbits that were fed cholesterol.”
“These studies were reproduced and similar results reported in the literature four times.” 25:50
The initial hypothesis that high cholesterol caused heart disease was concluded by feeding cholesterol to rabbits.
While rabbits don’t normally eat cholesterol, this study from 1918 reported that if these rabbits were fed cholesterol and given iodine, you could prevent the deposition of atherosclerosis sclerosis.
If this study would have made the headlines, we wouldn’t have all this craziness about statents(TK) and drug statent deficiency syndromes going on which don’t exist. And when we correct the underlying cause of atherosclerosis, which in many cases is thyroid and iodine deficiency, these illnesses get better just as Dr Brownstein saw in his father.
Researchers look at the development of atherosclerosis in rabbits:
Control group: rabbits fed high cholesterol diet
Treatment group: rabbits fed high cholesterol diet and treated with T4 (synthroid alevathroid thyroid hormone TK), Desiccated thyroid (armore thyroid), or iodine.
The control rabbits developed marked aortic atherosclerosis.
The treated rabbits with T4 showed slight to moderate aortic atherosclerosis.
The treated rabbits with either desiccated thyroid or iodine showed an absence of atherosclerotic lesions.
This study showed that iodine has an independent positive benefit in a cholesterol-rich diet as well as synergistic effect with desiccated thyroid hormone.
So perhaps, if you have elevated cholesterol and you have heart disease, look for an underlying cause of these illnesses. They are not caused from statent deficiency problems, they are caused from nutritional imbalances which many times is iodine and/or thyroid hormone.
Study #2: Rats
Rats were fed iodine deficient diet versus iodine sufficient diet. The iodine sufficient group resulted in a much lower thyroid weight (43.4 vs 10.3 mg), they did not get goiter.
When the rats were fed a high cholesterol diet, the thyroid weight significantly increased in both groups. The high-cholesterol diet was also found to increase the body’s excretion of iodine.
All wealthy countries have high cholesterol diets, this means that the excretion of iodine will be more prevalent, and will cause even more issues for those already iodine deficient. It is especially critical for those partaking of the SAD or Standard American Diet to insure adequate iodine levels.
Iodine and Cholesterol Levels
136 subjects were analyzed for iodine intake and lipid parameters. Compared to iodine sufficient & non-goiterous controls, the iodine-deficient & goiterous (aka swelling of the thyroid) subjects had significantly higher average cholesterol levels and higher LDL cholesterol levels.
The media and mainstream medicine are saying we need to treat these elevated LDL levels, but in actuality they are focusing on the wrong problem. It is not statent deficiency syndromes, the issue is iodine deficiency. Once you correct the iodine deficiency problem, the cholesterol levels normalize.
In Dr Brownsteins book, ‘Drugs that Don’t Work & Natural Therapies that Do‘, he describes the history of the cholesterol hypothesis and why he believes it’s incorrect, and why we need to use natural therapies to treat these problems. For example, this 1958 study which concluded “cholesterol = heart disease”, however digging deeper reveals the culprit to be iodine deficiency.
Iodine & Sunscreen
Rats treated with 4MBC and Benzophenone 2 (BP2) for five days found to have significantly increased TSH and lower T4. The weight of the thyroid glands increased. All of which was prevented as long as adequate iodine levels were present.
“The work has shown that MBC and BP2 are potent disrupters of the pituitary-thyroid homronal system in rats. If the same effect is discovered in humans, then we may have to rethink how we protect our children and those with exisiting thyroid problems or those in iodine-deficient areas from sun exposure.”
Dr Brownstein believes we are making our whole population vitamin D deficient with our fear of the sun & putting sun screen on everybody. Dr Brownstein had a patient that was a dermatologist. As the visit was coming to a conclusion, he asked “Does the sun cause cancer?”. The reply was absolutely it does. He followed up with “Does the sun cause melonoma?”. After a little hesitation, the reply was ‘probably not’. “Does sunscreen prevent cancer?”. Absolutely. His followed up by inquiring if sunscreen prevents cancer, where was all the cancer when they were kids (they were both similar age), what was used when out in the sun as a child? Back then, sunscreen hadn’t been developed yet. Dr Brownstein had a mother who put coconut oil on him when he went out in the sun, which was quite often since TV and computers were not prevalent. So where was the skin cancer when they were kids?
Dr Browstein believes the skin cancer today is from everyone who is vitamin D deficient from using sunscreen, and the topical application coupled with sun exposure is causing problems in the skin. He says check vitamin D levels, there is a synergistic effect with iodine and vitamin D supplmentation, you can prevent skin cancer and not to be so fearful of the sun.
Iodine & Cardiovascular Disease
In 1958, Keys published data that countries with the highest cholesterol levels had the highest rate of cardiovascular disease. Keys was a great physician, he was on the cover of TIME magazine, and the “cholesterol = heart disease” hypothesis accelerated even more.
However, if we look at the time he wrote this study, Finland had the highest rate of cardiovascular disease (CAD) mortality in Europe, which was much more prevalent in eastern Finland vs western Finland. It was at this point Dr Brownstein started asking ‘Why?’ – Why did one side of Finland have high cardiovascular disease, and the other side did not?
Researchers looked at a variety of dietary components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals… 47 different items were studied, of which only iodine intake showed the greatest statistical difference between eastern & western Finland.
The risk of death from cardiovascular disease was 353% higher in individuals with goiter. There was also a significantly lowered death age in those with goiter. The #1 cause of goiter is low iodine.
Finland: Cardiovascular Disease – 1970 to Present
In 1970, researchers looked at prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in 21 Finnish cities as it related to trace elements in the drinking water: calcium, chlorine, fluorine, bromine, and iodine. And the outcomes were: angina, coronary thrombosis or heart attack, hypertensive diseases and atherosclerosis. The strongest correlation was iodine, the highest intake of iodine associated with the lowest rates of cardiovascular disease.
In the United States, when a nutritional item is found to be beneficial, it generally takes 100 years for it to become mainstream. Finland acted quite a bit faster, and increased their iodine intake due to that study through dairy feed and animal salt. In the past several decades, cardiovascular mortality has decreased by over 50% and the life expectancy has increased by 5 years. Finland currently has the highest iodine intake of any European country.
Iodine & Your Thyroid
The thyroid gland sits in the lower part of the neck, it weighs about 1.5 ounces, and produces a teaspoon of thyroid hormone for the entire year. It has to drive the metabolic rate of every cell in body, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. When functioning adequately, you can picture it as a little machine that’s constantly running, and helps keep your body warm on cold days, and provides the body with enough energy to do what we want, and we feel good.
When that machine is under functioning and it slows down, not enough heat is being produced and people have cold hands and cold feet, they are tired and achy, constipated, hair loss, weight gain, and a whole host of symptoms develop. And a whole host of conditions are associated with that such as hyper-thyroidism, auto-immune thyroid disorders, fibromylagia, chronic fatigue, cancer, adrino problems, and much more.
Thyroid Production Pathway = Thyroid > T4 > T3 > Effects on Body
You cannot optimize this pathway unless you have adequate levels of iodine in your body.
T4 to T3 Inhibitors
Blocking the conversion of inactive t4 thyroid hormone into active thyroid hormone t3 can happen when your body is low on certain nutrients, or also from using certain medications.
@9min:What can happen to that pathway is a T3 or T4 conversion… (@9:04)
-nutrient deficiencies (iodine, iron, selenium, zinc, vitamin a, vitamin b2, b2 & b12)
-medications (beta blockers, birth control pills, estrogen, iodinated contrast agents, lithium, phenytoin, ssri, theophylline)
@10:01: aging, alcohol, alpha-lipoic acid (uncommon, but happens in some people), chemotherapy, cigarette smoking (lowers iodine levels), cruciferous vegetables, diabetes, fasting, fluoride (poisons iodine transport molecules in the body), growth hormone deficiency, hemochromatosis (elevated iron levels), lead, low adrenal state, mercury (poisons the enzyme that converts T4 to T3), pesticides, soy (soy milk, soy cheese, etc), stress, surgery and radiation.
While all of the above can interfere with a properly functioning thyroid, you cannot optimize the thyroid production pathway without adequate amounts of iodine in the body.