western society will not be able to afford the coming tsunami of chronic illness that we’re already seeing. Thyroid cancer in the USA is the fastest growing cancer. Cancer of the breast is occurring in 1 of 7 women, and cancer of the prostate is in 1 of 3 men. sickness is the biggest business on earth, it’s bigger than war. kids that are 6-7 years of age are on 6-7 drugs, that’s an abomination. This is something that can be remedied, if you bring in vitamins to that it’s 80%. You should not be dying of cancer, don’t die from something that not even our livestock are dying from.
through the entire history of life on the planet, vitamin c is the reason that life is able to survive and progress. the body knows what it’s doing, nobody believes this anymore. the vast majority of Americans are deficient in multiple nutrients. why don’t we pay attention to what is going on inside of our own body?
depression plagued me for years. quitting sugar was the first step, that began to lift the fog. the second step was niacin… b vitamins & chromium would help.
if the key to a cure was something as simple as a bunch of vitamins, why aren’t doctors prescribing vitamins instead of drugs?
Ireland has one of the highest suicide rates in Europe. Why is this?
In New Zealand, Alan Smith was on life support. His team of consultants agreed he couldn’t survive, and wanted to turn of the machine. (was watching youtube video: vitamin c the miracle swine flu cure 60 minutes living proof). Alan’s family fought to get him huge doses of vitamin c. He dramatically recovered. This story inspired NZ police officer Antoine Kairaia, whom doctors said his acute myalode leukemia was too aggressive for further treatment, and they sent him home to die. (youtube video: vitamin c campaigner begins month-long walk). He too started to mega dose with vitamin c, and he too recovered. The more research, the more stories uncovered of patients beating illness when medication failed, by taking doses of vitamins hugely in excess over RDA.
Most of us experience medicine as treatment of our symptoms, rather than the underlying cause of our ill health. Is it possible that nutrition can treat the root cause of sickness as well as the symptoms. To find out, they set out to meet some of the worlds top vitamin experts…
Andrew Saul, PHD in human ethology, 30 years in natural healing, best selling author of more than a dozen books translated into a host of languages: “high doses of vitamins prevent & cure real disease. Cancer can be treated with vitamins, particularly intravenous vitamin c. Mental Illness, schizophrenia, psychosis, ADD, are all treatable with high doses of vitamins. Alzheimer’s disease can be “reversed” with vitamins, you have to use a lot. Vitamins can treat any viral illness. You can treat heart disease with vitamin E.”
“The advice from conventional health authorities is that we should eat better. Quite simply, we are not. This means we’re going to have to do something else, supplements & extra nutrients. Even if you are eating well, an organic plant based diet & doing everything right, you’re still not going to get enough vitamin C, vitamin E – these must be supplemented if one wants optimum health. When people have optimum health, they don’t get sick or as often, if they do get sick they get better. And if you use really high doses of vitamins, you can actually reverse the disease. Vitamins can act as prevention, or they can act as treatment.”
The proper nutrition can help prevent a lot of these conditions from happening in the first place. I’ve always accepted the standard message: Fast food is bad, fresh fruits and vegetables are good – which is where we get our vitamins and minerals. Ease off on the salt, fat, sugar. Get some exercise. Hope you don’t have a hereditary killer lurking in your genetic makeup. If you do get sick, go to the doctor to give you something to make you well. However, there are decades of research which show that vitamins can work as well as or sometimes better than prescription drugs.
“For 65-70 years, there’s a long track record of well qualified physicians that have already done this. We already have the proof. Mega-vitamin therapy is safer than drugs, more effective than drugs, and cheaper than drugs. But because we’ve been taught to be consumers of modern medicine, we don’t believe anything safe and cheap can be effective (or anything cheap and effective can be safe). If we have modern medicine continuing the way it’s going, we’re going to have a study of what happens when you put poisonous chemicals in malnourished bodies.”
If so successful & well documented, why isn’t the medical world treating people with vitamins as common practice. Because nutrition has never been part of medical treatment, even today. And this suits the pharmaceutical companies just fine.
“Doctors are well meaning people, who have lots of education, and are very busy. And they inherit a belief system, that if they don’t know it, it’s probably not worth knowing. The rest of us have an equally problematic belief system, if the doctor doesn’t know it, it’s not worth knowing. There’s the mentality that we have to use conventional medicine, and if it doesn’t work, there is nothing else that can be done. If you limit care to a single party system, driven by the pharmaceutical industry, and people are still dying by the hundreds of thousands and millions every year, something is wrong. So if someone is dying from cancer, and they’ve never been offered nutritional therapy, that is criminal. It is equally criminal to fail to educate physicians, so they would be able to make the offer.”
“Doctor knows best” is a phrase Dr. Meracola turned his back away from 30 years ago, he runs one of the biggest medical websites in the world, 80 million visitors. He is not afraid to step on toes & tackle the system, he’s confronted the FDA many times, with the warning letters to prove it. He has committed his life to exposing fraud and deception. Life is short, he’s acquired enough resources to be comfortable, he doesn’t need any more. Therefore, absolutely committed to generating an informational campaign that will expose the truth that people don’t need to die needlessly & suffer painful miserable deaths if they don’t have to, all for the primary benefit of improving the bottom line of these large corporations. And also expose the frauds and the scams, the lies and deception, that industry puts out there to deceive people & take them away from simpler and less expensive approaches. In his early career, he was dispensing medication just like any other doctor, until he realized that much of what he was doing was applying a fairly effective band-aid. He had started his medical career full of enthusiasm for natural healing. But states he was brain washed in the traditional system, even though he was passionate about health, got caught up in the process that pretty much brainwashes almost everyone who goes to medical school that drugs & surgery are the primary treatments for all the disease. They fail to understand, recognize, or treat the foundational causes of disease. It’s not by accident, rather carefully planned design. The medical industry in the largest in the united states, literally trillions of dollars (3tril) annually. Lots of revenue, as a result incredible incentives to discourage approaches that would take away from their revenue stream. Medical schools get a lot of money from drug companies. The media gets a lot of advertising revenue from drug companies. Researchers get a lot of research grant money from drug companies. And government is lobbied to a tremendous extent by drug companies. So we have this situatino where the pharmaceutical companies have way too much influence on what doctors learn.
Sayer Ji runs greenmedinfo, he provides easy access to natural medicine & research documents, in the otherwise difficult to navigate national library of medicines. So far he’s covered 1700 different topics. Sayer has suffered a range of different illnesses since childhood, and eventually broke free of medication using nutrition. “My understanding of modern medicine is really no longer related to art of science & healing, it’s really about creating a commodity out of disease & symptoms. It’s a very effective model because of course when you suppress the symptom often of chemical poisoning with a new patented chemical called a pharmaceutical, what you’re doing is creating an even deeper condition, that’s going to sprout up new symptoms which are treatable, which is an infinite growth model.” “One study that blew my mind, is they took a cancer cell in a petri dish, and they administered vitamin c, what they found was that the cancer cell started to differentiate back into a type of cell that was healthy. So it started to go from a cancer cell to a non-cancer cell just by administering a little bit of vitamin c. What that showed me was often times there was research of on vitamin c killing cancer, but sometimes its more a matter of re-educating the cell to behave in the way that it’s supposed to. You’re a hair cell, you’re a heart cell, you’re a liver cell, here’s the nutrient it needs to do that.”
Erin Elizabeth… weight loss.
Dr Alan David, has seen many patients recover dramatically where traditional medicine failed. He adopted a nutritional approach at the outset of his career 40 years ago. He is now regarded as one of the foremost authorities in the world, and is the acclaimed author of the Nutritional Bible, this incredible piece of work coves 400 illnesses, based on a lifetime of personal practice & assessing every piece of research he could find. “Having seen about 6,000 patients and having reviewed, analyzed, critiqued more than 30,000 research papers, I can confidently state that nutritional medicine is a safe and effective alternative, or in some cases an adjunct (or addition) to conventional therapy. In my own practice, of the 6k patients I saw, many of them had failed conventional medical treatments (or not tolerated the treatments) and 80% had worthwhile improvement. Most of the chronic illnesses I can think of have a nutritional & environmental component to them. A lot of people don’t tolerate refined sugar, have hidden food allergies, and when we identify & remove these from their diet their chronic conditions get much better or go away. Many people have a higher than normal need for various nutritional supplements, either because of genetic factors or because of the environment they don’t tolerate, or sometimes the disease itself sometimes increases their need, or the medication they’re on increases their need. So when you have an individualized program of nutrients & diets, I would make an informed guess that if society were to embrace a nutritional approach, and that the patients were willing to follow the recommendations (which are not always easy) that the cost of healthcare in this country would drop within a couple years by at least 50%.
“I raised my kids all the way in to college, and they never had a single dose of any antibiotic. Not once, not ever. The kids did occasionally get sick, but not as often as their friends. And when they got sick, we did something about it, high doses of vitamin c. Which works as an antiviral, antibiotic, antihistamine, antipyretic (lowers fever), antitoxin. This is physiology, not philosophy. It works. My children now have said to me that they’re going to do the same thing with their kids & my daughter is.” -andrew saul
“We were raised in a household where vitamins and nutrition the answers to our health problems. Not only did we take them to prevent issues which was ideal, but if we got sick we took vitamins & used nutrition to help feel better. And we did it without drugs, without antibiotics. The same for her kids, son is 1 and daughter 3, and so far haven’t had to take an antibiotic. They key they haven’t needed to take one, I’m not against medicine, just against taking it if there’s a better way and more healthy way, and there is.” -helen saul case
Why listen to Andrew Saul, he’s not even a medical doctor. “If you want a medical opinion, go to a medical doctor. If you have a medical issue, you should go to a medical doctor. If you want to learn about nutrition and how it works, I’m not sure a medical doctor is your go to person. My background is education, no medication. My training is in the sciences, and then in teaching. I’ve taught every grade there is, all the way from 1st grade thru post-doctorate. We need to learn what to do, and no one is telling you on tv or books and movies. No one is telling you in a doctors office how to use high doses to cure disease. And nobody is going to tell how to ? tolerance to vitamin c, nobody is going to tell you how to reverse multiple sclerosis with high doses of vitamins, nobody is going to tell how exactly how cancer is treated with vitamins. No one is going to tell you how to reverse arthritis with vitamins. And no one is going to be able to tell you which doctors did it. This isn’t my knowledge, I stand shakily on the shoulders of giants. These are real doctors that did this for 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years. And this information is life saving.” -andrew saul
William J. McCormick 1880-1968
Roger J. Williams 1893-1988
Claus Washington Jungeblut 1898-1976
Ruth Flinn Harrell 1900-1991
Evan Shute 1905-1978
Wilfrid Shute 1907-1982
Frederick Robert Klenner 1907-1984
Linus Pauling 1901-1994
Abram Hoffer 1917-2009
Robert F Cathcart 1932-2007
Hugh Riordan 1932-2005
“I don’t think I can stress it enough, this is not information you’re going to get from your doctors office. And even if your doctor is really good, they’re not going to sit down with you and talk about high doses of vitamin c to prevent and cure illness. My dad has dedicated his life to bringing this information to people. And doing so without getting paid by any vitamin companies, he just does it because he knows it’s the right thing to do, and that it’s going to help people so much. -daughter
“I believe that our bodies were designed to stay healthy. If left to its own needs, and given the right information and foods, our body will go naturally towards health. We are not designed to be sick. We are designed to be healthy. The key though, is to provide your body with what it needs. So its understanding that, giving the right foods, the central core of that is eliminating processed foods, eating real foods. Ideally fresh and locally grown and organic would be the best. And eliminating lots of grains and sugars and flours, because those disturb the insulin resistance and they perpetuate these chronic degenerative disease: arthritis, pepticulser, anxiety, depression…”
Joe still takes the time & makes the effort to grow some of his own food. He particularly recommends sprouting sunflower seeds. “A vast majority, well over 90%, 95% of your food should be freshly cooked real food. The simple rule is that someone, either you or spouse or someone you employ has to spend some quality time in the kitchen. There’s just no way around it. If you rely on industrial processes to prepare you food, you are going to die prematurely, and most likely come up with a whole variety of diseases that you are not going to want, you name it: arthritis, ulcers, heart disease, cancer, diabetes… All of these you will have an increased risk for if you have diet that’s predominately full of processed foods.” -meracola
“When you read there studies and realize that some poeple go into remission just by getting vitamin d or vitamin c, you think this is the magic bullet I’ve been waiting for. Then I started to look more into food & power of it, to provide not only just material building blocks for my body & energy, but information, packets of gene regulatory information to make my DNA work better. And as I got more into it I realized it had to come from a really good source, like organic & ancient soil & biodynamic farming, and so I would start focusing on eating foods that made sense in terms of the history of my body.” -sayer
As agriculture has become more industrialized, the nutritional value of food has decreased. It has become exceptionally difficult to get all we need from food, so we have to take supplements, starting with vitamin D and vitamin C.
“Almost everyone is going to benefit from some type of regular vitamin d supplementation. That will literally, epigenitcally, influence about 3,000 of our genes to improve & optimize health. 3,000 or 10% of our gene. Vitamin C is another great nutrient. If you haven’t made the commitment to a healthier unprocessed food diet, you may want to consider that, because getting it in a regular form, even if it’s synthetic version is better than not getting it at all.” -Joe Meracola
“I was taking 30,000 milligrams of vitamin C per dose. That’s six rounded teaspoons of absorbic acid at one time. The symptoms were gone in less than two days. Just the economics of this make it interesting, what if companies didn’t have people out for a week or two with the flu. Think of they money they would save, think of the pain and suffering you would save.” -andrew
Huge doses of vitamins won’t damage your, won’t cause kidney stones, won’t cause cancer, and definitely won’t kill you. “When we look into this very carefully, we were able to see no support whatsover for the notion that anyone has ever died from taking a vitamin. If someone finds that evidence, I’d like to see it. Every year in the USA alone, the most conservative estimate is that 80,000 people die from medication, properly prescribed and taken as directed. Just in hospitals. This does not include medical errors, this does not include intentional abuse, this does not include patient non-compliance, this does not include anything but the straight and narrow. There is just no way you can be comfortable with that, because that puts prescription drugs, taken as directed and properly used, in the top ten killers of americans.” -andrew
Dr. Kelly Brogan, is a psychiatrist that no longer prescribes pharmaceuticals, only natural medicine. She relies totally on vitamins and other supplements, and is very successfully treating women who are the bulk of her patients. The first step is a 30 day organic whole food diet, which she finds this alone can have a dramatic effect. “I still find it shocking that a given patient who has essentially been polluting their body for the past 3-5 decades can undergo such impressive clinical change in the space of 30 days. I find it nothing but a testament to the resiliency of the human body.” -kelly
It’s kellys experience that we all need supplements just to stay well, let alone ? sick. “I love the idea of using food and only food, it’s a romantic notion. And I think there probably was a large swath of human history where that was absolutely the only medicine needed, ala Hippocrates. Unfortunately, particularly over the past 150 years lets say since the industrial revolution, we have done quite a number on our environment and have essentially rendered ourselves sort of subjects in an uncontrolled experiment, because of this I think that it’s imperative to support native physiology with supplementation. From glandulars to micro-nutrients to fatty acids to pro-biotics, I think it’s a requirement even for wellness let alone for healing.” -kelly
In New Jersey, Dr Derrick Dasilva is something of a celebrity, with his own television & radio show. He too is successful treating patients nutritionally, and he strongly believes we all need at least 3 supplments. “The three things that I have all of my patients do are probiotics, vitamin d, and omega 3’s. Why? Probiotics, 60% of our immune system resides in our intestines. The good bacteria or probiotics, are responsible for digestion, elimination, and making most if not all of the B vitamins. Vitamin D has numerous effects, but the most important effects are having an apoptotic effect & it has an antiangiogenic effect. What does that mean? Apoptosis is the natural death of an abnormal cell, “cancer cells”. The antiangiogenic effect blocks the formation of new blood vessels for the spreading of various cancers, because that’s how cancer is spread. Omega 3, 60% of our brain is fat. That’s where the word fathead comes from, because our brain is all fat. The entire nervous system is coated in fat, so dropping these cholesterol levels too low is going to effect your brain function. Not only that, having Omega 3’s and right fats in our system is critical as we get older for hormone production. Testosterone for men, Estrogen for women. So without adequate levels of fat, not only is your brain not going to function well, also your hormones are going to get thrown off.” -dasilva @ 33:20-35min
“If I had one wish, I would ask everyone to get 4,000-5,000 milligrams of vitamin C a day. I think that would change the face of health care as we know it it. I think we’d live longer and feel better. The body takes in about 3 dozen nutrients totally. But you’re made out of 40 trillion cells. And there are thousands of chemical reactions in the body. Many of these reactions will only occur in the presence of a vitamin. Vitamins are typically co-enzymes, that means they work with an enzyme to achieve a reaction. If you remove that vitamin, then it doesn’t happen.” -andrew
About 15 years ago, I broke my toe. It was healing, but about 3-4 months into it I still had some pain. So I happened to call andy about that, or maybe something else, and so he says take vitamin c, get up to bowel tolerance. Which I did. In the space of about a week, that toe stopped hurting and hasn’t bothered me since. I was taking about 12,000 to 15,000 milligrams a day for about a week, and within I week I had no more pain in that toe, and it hasn’t bothered me since. Ever.” -taaliah amatul – haqq
There are individuals and groups critical of the validity of megadose therapy, but coming to the conclusion that the evidence speaks for itself.
Phillip Day, health researcher, writer and international speaker, from the english countryside he publicizes medical studies the mainstream media ignores, studies about doctors and scientists around the world demonstrating the powerful benefits of supplements. “I’m very, very passionate about this whole idea of mega vitamin therapy. I’ve seen the doctors get very excited about it, everyone from doctors in america using it for high dose intravenous therapy for cancer (using heavy amounts of 100 grams per day upwards), through to high dose fat diets for epiliptics and depression, vitamin d therapy and niacin therapy for depression, vitamin A emulsion therapy for cancer, these are some of the top chemists in the world using these types of treatments now.” -phillip day
Acknowledged internationally as a natural health expert, Philip says the main conditions people ask him about today, like: cancer, depression, fibromalagia, chronic fatigue, hypothyroidism… all have a common root. “These are 20th century problems, these are problems that roared into prominence during the early to mid part of the 20th century, which coincidentally or otherwise was when we began to heavily refine the diets and flood chemicals into the system.” -philip day
He says the authorities today, often treat vitamin therapy, the way they treated the first notion of limes to prevent scurvy. “Had you walked in to the British Admirilty, who lost one million sailors between 1600-1800, and said all you need to do to solve this problem with your navy is to add limes to the provisions… you would have been hounded down the street. Very similar to today. And yet, of course it was the truth. So there is a classic example of mega vitamin therapy applied in the 1800’s which had ground breaking applications in modern medicine, and yet was completely blanked, and it’s being blanked today.” -philip day
We have a policy in our household that everyone takes vitamin d, and enough of it. Vitamin D is so primal in the way the cell operates, it underpins the immune system and cellular repair, and the bottom line is we live in a country that hasn’t seen the sun since 1968. Everyone is Vitamin D deficient, we’ve got 4-5 million people with brown or black skin, living in a country where they aren’t getting adequate sunlight, and when you have brown or black skin you need a lot more sunlight to make the same amount of vitamin d then fair skin kelt for instance. So vitamin d, big issue, that’s the elephant in the living room right there, the very first thing. From age 18 months Anna started a graded supplementation of vitamin d. She goes to a school where kids are dropping left and right from whatevers going around, and anna doesn’t drop. We’ve got parents coming up saying why does your daughter not get sick. The bottom line is she’s taking vitamin C, her age in grams of vitamin c per day. She’s taking her bodyweight multiplied by 40x of vitamin D3 every day, and away she goes.” -phillip day
“We have all of these physicians and doctors who spent decades of their life healing people with high doses of vitamins. And they all reported the same thing: Vitamins are better than drugs, they’re safer than drugs, they have practically no side effects, nobody dies from vitamins, they’re cheap, they’re effective, and they get the cure quicker. And for those who criticize this, I say what part of this bothers you, what is wrong with healing people with high doses of vitamins.” -andrew
Toronto, the 44th annual conference for the international society for orthomolecular medicine. Or simply put, nutritional medicine. Doctors and beautrictionists from all over the world, gather to share the latest research and catch up on new developments. A diverse group, united by their belief, and the power of nutrition.
David Brownsetin describes himself as a holistic medical practitioner, combining the best of traditional and medical treatments. He says iodine deficiency is the direct cause of the cancer epidemic in america. Of 6,000 patients he’s analyzed over the years, 96% were deficient in iodine. “Iodine is necessary for proper brain function, proper thyroid function, heart function, endocrin function. Every cell in the body needs and requires iodine.” @44min
“My father had his first heart attack at age 40, the second heart attack at 42. By the time I finished medical school and residency, he had a couple of bypass surgeries, and 3-4 angioplasties. He was on 12 different medications to control blood pressure, diabities, and hypertension. He was having continual angina for over 25 years, and the two natural therapies I tried on my father were Natural Thyroid Hormone & Natural Testosterone, and within 7 days of putting him on those therapies his 25 year history of angina melted away never to return. His cholesterol in the 300’s on cholesterol medication fell below 200 never to return, without changing his horrific diets and lack of exercise. And more importantly, my father looked better and acted better, no longer did he look like he was going to die at any moment. We were able to decrease his medicine load three quarters. Once I saw the changes in my father, I knew that was the type of medicine I wanted to do for the rest of my life”. -brownstein
one of his books: “Drugs that Don’t Work & Natural Therapies that Do!”
“The vast majority of patients, particularly the elderly, are markedly deficient in vitamin B12, it helps treat things like Alzheimer, pernitious anemia, confusion, mental decline. On my history part of the exams, she was taking staton medications which are known to cause memory problems in people, and on my laboratory analysis she had very low vitamin b12 levels. I prescribed two things for her, high dose vitamin B12, and coenzymeQ10 because she was on staton medications, and I told her to stop her stanton meds. Within 3-4 weeks her memory started to return, in 2-3 months she was back to normal, able to take care of herself and go to the grocery store, and was off all the other medications that she was on. That’s just one example of patients we see all the time” -brownstein
He pointed me to a very practical example of how the medical establishment in Canada is resistant to supplements, trying to shut down a half million university study, treating 3,000 patients for bipolar disease. “Because we were able to intervene, it’s still available, it’s vitamins and minerals and amino acids. But health canada did their best to shut it down, putting the health of thousands of canadians at risk, because many of these people have come off toxic chemical substances (while being managed under conventional care), and they didn’t want to go back on the conventional drugs. They’ve recovered their life, they’re working, they’re happy, and many of them with the support of their medical doctors. But the system is very resistant. You’re looking at simple things that aren’t approved or managed by the conventional systems.” -james lully
“everyone needs a quality vitamin supplement, and you should certainly be supplementing with vitamin D. We could save 14 billion dollar a year in health care costs just by elevating canadians levels of vitamin D. But if we follow health canada guidelines that say 1,000 is enough – it’s not. I take 5,000 IU a day. Cancer is down, mental health is up, almost any disease you want to name is down because Vitamin D3 is so important to physiological function.” -james lully
Tom Levy, cardiologist & attorney. “Most if not all lay-people think that getting a heart attack is bad luck, getting cancer is bad luck, getting any chronic degenerative disease is bad luck. And I want to tell you the data now shows luck has nothing to do with it. That in fact, the root canal and the periodontal disease is the direct cause – not correlation – cause of heart attack 90% to 95% of the time. What made this so compelling was that in 2013 a research group in Finland showed very elegantly, they actually suctioned out the blood clots in patients presented with heart attacks, sucked out the blood clot, opened up the artery, and then analyzed the blood clot. In using very sophisticated TCR testing that can really detect minute amounts of nuclueiac acid, DNA, RNA – they were able to show not only did these bloodclots contain the same typical package and profile that is seen in root canals and infected gums, but they were able to show that the blood clot had a 16x fold higher concentration of these pathogens, then the blood sample of the arterial blood around it.” -tom levy
Tom says Vitamin C can help in at least some cases of dental infection. He’s studied it and used it for many years. “I’ve had a couple cases of infectious mononucleosis, college aged kids that were literally sick for months, and needed to drop out of school because they were so ill, that somehow found out about me and the potential benefits of vitamin c. And both of those individuals were completely clinically resolved within 48 hours by giving intravenous vitamin c infusions. I was able to play a role in a case of acute (not chronic) lyme disease, where the classical legion came up after the tick bite, then a really horrible syndrome, and that was able to be resolved with 5-6 days of intravenous vitamin c.” -tom levy
“A lot of people think that 500 milligrams or 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C is a megadose. I don’t always take 16,000 milligrams per dose. I always take at least that much per day, in divided doses, which is best for most people. But if your sick, or under stress, it’s helpful to get out in front of it like I am now. If you’re in good health, a few might do it. If you have hepatitis, a whole bottle wouldn’t do it. Same human being, different circumstances.” -andrew
“I just give her two 500 milligram tablets of chewable vitamin C. At only 2, he’s getting 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C at every meal and every snack. And on average, 4,000-5,000 milligrams of Vitamin C on a normal day. When there’s even a hint of a cold or sniffly nose, we increase that dose and give him enough until they are symptom free. What’s great about Vitamin C is there’s an indicator. You know if you’ve had too much because you start to have loose bowels or diarrhea, aka bowel tolerance.” -daughter
books: vitamin cure for women’s health problems (helen saul case & andew w saul phd)
success with using vitamin c to treat girls with adverse reactions to the HPD vaccine designed to prevent cervical cancer. “involuntary movement & convulsions, 12.5 grams of vitamin C and then next dose 25 grams of vitamin C, it was quite a high dose for girls but very effective. at first I treated her twice a week, then once a week, and sometimes every 10 days.” -atsuo yanagisawa, md, japan
atsuo has also become widely known for his work in the wake of the fukishima nuclear disaster, using megadose vitamin c to neutralize the cancer risk for workers there. “We gave some vitamin C, 5-10 grams and also we administered vitamin c intravenously every two weeks. 2 months later all the cancer risk score returned to normal rates, that means vitamin c can neutralize the cancer risk scores.” -atsuo
“one of the most important vitamins we are using is vitamin C, both orally and intravenous. High does of intravenous vitamin c have shown to be very, very beneficial to people, because they’ve felt they had more energy, better moods, and in general they have a better health feeling. Thousands of diabetic people, people with hypertension, with cancer, with depression, with anxiety, and many other diseases, because this therapy is helpful for almost all the diseases.” -roberto ortiz, mexico
“I often use vitamin c & the B vitamins, especially vitamin B3 I find very interesting. Some minerals like magnesium and zinc. One of my first patients when I used high dose niacin was a man who had been on litsium & other conventional medications. I decided to give him niacin, 3 grams a day, was able to take away the anxiety, benzodiazapem and the sleeping drug. And I hadn’t though at that time that we would be able to take away these, but the patient asked me, we decided very slowly when he had been on niacin for half a year. -bo jonsson, md, sweeden
book: Vitamin cure for depression -bo jonsson MD PhD & andrew saul PhD
“In the morning I would take a magnesium tablet, this is a form that is easy to called magnesium citrate, it’s not expensive. Magnesium oxide is a bad choice, can’t absorb that. This is CoEnzymeQ10, think of that as an energy coenzyme. This is some mixed antioxidants that are especially good for the eye. This is niacin, 500 milligram tablet, Dr Abrahm Hoffit would say take two of these a meal. 400 units of Vitamin E that I will take twice a day. Phosphatidylcholine is important in your body because you absorb the choline and you make the nuero transmitter asetocholine out of it. It’s good for the skin and been shown to help reduce the symptoms of dementia and improve short term memory. This is a somewhat natural, high potency multivitamin, for it to be high potency you either have to have to use the laboratory products or you’d have something the size of a football. Most vitamin research uses laboratory vitamins, and they still work, with the exception of vitamin E which we have naturally. Not everybody wants to take a handful of vitamins, they should at least take a multi. I take a multivitamin with every meal. This is chromium, the trace mineral that helps to regulate blood sugar. This is a zinc gluconate, an easily absorbable form of zinc, men need more zinc because they lose zinc in seminal fluid. This is a B complex capsule, this is all the b vitamins, like the multi, in one convenient location. This is a probiotic supplement, because it contains 10-20 strains of beneficial bacteria, and yogurt has fewer. And finally we have vitamins A & D, and you can pay a lot of money for these, but these are very inexpensive, and I take a number of those.” -andrew
Micahel Gonzalez, back in 2004 the puerto rican team manager had heard how Michaels work had treated cancer patients with vitamin C was increasing their vitality. Two days before their olympic qualifying game against canada, he arranged for the players to have intravenous vitamin C, multivitamins and supplments. Against the odds, they won. Fast forward to the olympic games in greece, they faced the USA dream team, and beat them by 19 points, the first time the dream team lost an olympic competition, which the puerto rican team accomplished with intravenous vitamin c in their veins.
This is where the theory of metabolic correction has been developed, the belief that nutritional supplements can fine tune our bodily systems, right down to the metabolism of a cell, that certain nutrients have the capacity to turn genes on & off, and while we can’t alter our genes, we can change how those genes express themselves.
Michael Gonalez & Jorge Massari believe cancer is a metabolic disease, and they’ve been successful treating it nutritionally. Their passion comes from direct experience, Jorge lost his wife and mother of his two young children, to cancer. Michael lost his grandparents and his mother. “Cancer is part of your body. It’s your body going weird, and so we have to bring it back. How we do that is by changing the environment that produced that weirdness, through diet and supplement.” -gonzalez
“You don’t just kill cells, chemotherapy and radiation will work in a certain way, but it doesn’t improve mortality. It reduces tumor, it gives you response which is good, but it’s even better if you decrease mortality and improve survival. That’s what you actually want. You don’t just want to improve momentarily. Because if you have response but then your damaging your immune system, which takes care of the detecting of abnormal cells & eliminating them, then you don’t have the protection for the body. So that’s why you have recurrence. First if your giving chemotherapy and radiation, you’re not correcting the root cause, which is a metabolic energy problem. Second, you’re harming the immune system. When you look at the root cause of the problem, and you correct it, then you have a better chance.” -massari
“Vitamin C is really a neat molecule. It’s something so simple that sometimes we have problem with the physicians understanding how important Vitamin C can be because it’s a simple molecule. The main thing is that it the internal structure is similar to sugar. And that’s one of the mechanisms that cancer cells use, since cancer cells have more glucose receptors. So when you don’t have glucose there, they think Vitamin C is glucose and bring them in. And in the presence of oxygen, we have two hydrogen, two oxygen, and you produce hydrogen peroxide, which kills cancer cells and doesn’t do anything to normal cells because they have the enzyme to break that down. So that’s one of the issues, it looks like glucose, but it behaves differently.” -jorge
“In the beginning many years ago, it was a problem, a lot of people didn’t believe in our work, they didn’t even want to listen. But nowadays, more and more people are open to the idea that it’s true, because there’s more and more evidence, and there’s some oncologies now that are using supplements to improve energy and correct the metabolism, and even vitamin c as part of the cancer treatment.” -massari
“This is vitamin B12, now there is B12 in the B-complex & multi-vitamin, you get B12 in yogurt and meats and dairy products and fish, but B12 is needed more as we get older. Men in particular, elderly men especially, seem to have more and more trouble absorbing B12, and for that reason I’m not going to swallow this one. This is methol-cobalomon which is a form of B12 that’s easier to absorb, and you just put it under your tongue and you let it dissolve.” So does all this mean your going to live to 140 and never get sick? “No. It means that I’ll live hopefully to be 140 and I’ll still get sick, because everybody gets sick. It’s not about getting sick, it’s about getting better. I don’t take these because I’m afraid of getting sick, I’m taking these because I don’t want to be sick. I’m going to be sick, everyone is sick, that’s just the way it goes. The trick, is how you get better. And if you do it up right, would you be sick less often? Sure. Will I live to be 140, probably not. But I’d settle for 120.” -andrew
Hyla Class, MD from america, an expert in integrative medicine, psychiatry, and addiction recovery. Youtube: functional medicine with hyla class md discussing eight weeks to vibrant health with randy alvarez (2,716 views). She’s one of many to be hugely influenced by the man whose name has come up more than any in my conversations, the grandfather of orthomolecular medicine, Abram Hoffer. “Hoffer was brilliant, because what biochemistry he knew at the time was really good. But we have even more knowledge now to show how really correct he was. And what an amazing contribution he made. And it’s such a shame, what happened was of course pharmaceuticals came in around that time, and of course that wiped him out because big pharma will win everytime. Supplements are important because even if your eating a good diet, our organic food even, doesn’t have the same nutritional amount of vitamins & minerals as they did say 20 years ago. I remember how tomatoes used to taste, I remember. They don’t taste like that anymore. Even organic ones, even though those are better, they certainly are better. And we’re also fighting pollution, it’s everywhere, the polar bears in the arctic have evidence of pollution. There’s no way to escape it. So what we have to do are take vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, many many different supplements in order to counter pollution, to counter & detox so that we can maintain our health”. -hyla
“Abram Hoffer was my mothers younger brother. So growing up he was a psychiatrist, and what did I know about psychiatry, and it was just part of my life. I heard about Uncle Abram, Uncle Abram, and it just seemed logical over the times I was with him, family events, and so on, I wanted to do what he did”. -garry vickar md, deals with a range of illness, but for 40 years his passion has been schizophrenia, which he treats nutriontally, but not always exclusively. “In the most severely ill patients, you absolutely have to use medications. Where the vitamins become very important, even the traditionally literature supports it, if you reduce the side effect burden, you can reduce the dosage of the medications. And if you get a patient early enough, patients can be dropped down to very very tiny amounts of medicine.”
What were Abram Hoffer (1917-2009) discoveries that have had such an impact. “Hoffer was the very first person to show that if you take niacin, you can lower cholesterol. And now, there are cardiologists giving niacin with the other drugs, because it turns out to be a very good cholesterol lowering agent. But of course the drug companies make it look like niacin is dangerous whereas the statons are so called safe, but it’s really not true. Then they discovered Vitamin C as an extremely important antioxidant, and then they looked at Vitamin B6 and said wait a minute, B6 is vital to very single nutrient interaction in our bodies, they’re like cofactors.”
son John Hoffer, MD has continued to search into vitamin c, and amazingly discovered a huge number of hospital patients are severally lacking. “Ours is a typical tersery care sophisticated hospital, and 60%, we’ve showin it year after year, patients had sub-normal vitamin c levels, 1 in 5 patients had blood levels compatible with scurvy, is that really scurvy or is that something else, and what are the implications. No one knew it, because no one had looked. And when I pointed it out to other people, it was just so far out of their radar screen that they just sort of would register it and forget it, as is typical of new ideas.”
“Abram Hoffer had as a patient, Bill W, the cofounder of alcoholics anonymous. Bill W started taking niacin because of severe depression that often is unfortunately part & parcel of getting off of alcohol, especially long term use. So Bill W took Abrams advice, and took 3,000 milligrams of niacin a day, and his depression was gone in a week. So Bill talked to friends of his and said you have to try this. And they took vitamin B3, niacin, and about a third of them had the same results, they were better in a week. And another third were better in about a month. And another third didn’t notice much difference. But to Bill W, two out of three people with alcohol depression being cured with niacin in one week to four weeks was pretty good. So bill W on his own letterhead, at his own expense, independent of AA, wrote 3 papers (dec 1965, the vitamin b-3 therapy) on the importance of niacin and treating alcoholism and alcoholic depression.” -andrew
book: vitamins alcohol, abram hoffer & andrew saul
“Abram Hoffer was a very precise man, everything that come out of his mouth, eminated from a very biochemical world view. It doesn’t mean that he wasn’t personable, and lovely and nice and kind, he had a quick wit about him, he was just quite funny and humorous, but he really saw the world from a biochemical perspective. And he really felt that with good nutrition, particularly optimal doses of different micro nutrients, he could really modulate a persons biochemistry in such a way that they’d have better mental and physical health. When I give somebody treatment, it’s really individualized to what it is that they want help with. But I use things like Niacin, Vitamin B3, I use essential fatty acids, I use magnesium, I use basically all the B vitamins, B12 in particular, i use vitamin c, you name it basically there’s about 40 essential micro nutrients that we need every day, and I try to individualize as best as I can what micro-nutrient combination would help a patient that I’m seeing with mental health issues to have better emotional regulation.” -jonathan prousky md
it is shocking to find out just how damaging some psychiatric drugs can be to patients. “they’ll typically live on average 10-25 years less than somebody who is not on the anti-psychotics, so they reduce lifespan, which is something they’re never told about when they are actually given the drugs in the first place. They get metabolic disease, so they have problems with their heart, they have problems regulating their blood sugar, and they often gain huge amounts of weight.” “The current climate of mental health care is abysmal. Psychiatric drugs are not correcting any biochemical problem, they’re actually creating biochemical problems in the brain, and it’s a result of how they disable certain prcoessi’s in the brain that they de-intensify symptoms. People are now inculturated into believing they need all these drugs, so we have socialculture phenomenon that sort of makes people believe they need these drugs to be well, when the evidence does not support that. So people have been sold lies about how psychiatric drugs are actually helping them, when in fact all they’re doing is disabling various brain process as a way to deintinsify symptoms.” -jonathan prousky. Jonathon is particularly concerned about ADHD. “It’s become a catch-all diagnostic label. We’re seeing now a huge over inflation of who gets that label, and as a result we’re seeing an over-inflation of who is being prescribed psychiatric medication. And to me it’s nothing short of disgusting, despicable and inhumane. We should not be drugging our kids. Particularly when their brains are so vulnerable, they’re developing, what they need is a tuned and pathic loving care that has to come from all avenues of their life. Most of the time when kids are expressing symptoms of ADHD, what they’re really expressing is the distress in their lives. I don’t know what to say, how to say it, that it breaks my heart, it’s not they way a highly industrialized world should be tending to the most vulnerable. Most parents, because they are born into this very medically dominated world, they come to believe now that the only option is drug use, and that somehow it’s fixing a biochemical imbalance. The only imbalance that needs fixing is the imbalance that the parents feel because they’re overwhelmed. There’s no defect in a child with ADHD in that childs brain, it’s never been found, and it never will be. The only defects that are found, are kids that are on medication. That’s when you get different changes within the brain, and different changes to how the brain functions.” -poulsky
“Everyone that is in jail, unless they’re in for life, all of those inmates are going to be coming out at some point. It would be nice to help fix them up nutritionally. We spend $50,000 – $100,000 per inmate each year to put them in jail and keep them there. For another $0.06 cents a day, we could help them ‘feel more clear'”.
There are some illnesses that respond to fairly low doses, one of the most interesting ones was with HIV Positive men, at Johns Hopkins, a very reputable institution, back in 1993. And they studied 281 HIV positive men for about 6.5 years, those that took vitamins were only half as likely to develop AIDS. Now if there was a drug that did that, you would’ve heard about it. But a lot of people have never heard of this before. About 10 years later, Harvard did a study and showed exactly the same thing. That HIV postive people who took vitamins were about half as likely to develop full blown AIDS. But the Harvard study showed something else that was interesting, a 27% decrease in deaths from AIDS.” -andrew
Ron Hunninghake, MD, has probably been more responsible for vitamin C mega dosing infusions than anyone else. He’s the cheif medical officer of Reardin Clinic which has been treating cancer patients for 40 years “I’ve recently estimated that I’ve overseen probably 100,000 intravenous vitamin C infusions. Doesn’t mean I did them myself, but I have done about 300 on my wife because I would do her at home and she had a great vein and I called it old faithful and two or three nights a week after she got home from teaching I would just hook her up and she would sleep better, felt better, she not only had breast cancer she also had fibromilagia and chronic fatigue so in many ways her journey through the cancer illness actually helped her to improve on the chronic fatigue and fibromalygia, because all the vitamin C and all the nutrient changes that we made to help her get through that cancer regimen was actually good for helping her heal the other chronic illnesses.”
Ron believes there is a way to improve a weak genetic blueprint, using his own family as an example. “It looks like a mess, it looks like I should be diabetic right now because I have 3 uncles that are diabetic, my father became diabetic, my grandmother was diabetic, I have a first cousin who’s already lost a foot to diabetes, I have a brother that’s diabetic, and yet I’m not. Why not. Because I’ve been engaged in diet, supplements, exercise, mediation, stress management, all of these things have a meaning in helping us prevent illness, or recover from illness, and once you putting that all together, we have a tremendous healing system that standard medicine can’t really touch.” -ron
“It’s where we do genomic studies of each person to find out what their genome, their epigenetics is, because then we can start matching nutrient blood levels – which we do a lot of it at the Reardin Clinic – with their genetic situation, and their symptoms, and what they’ve noticed about themselves, and we can start to create a grand synthesis, kind of a symphony of changes that really helps their body come into a full musicality – where you’re orchestrating all the elements. Standard medicine is all about treating symptoms, putting bandaids on problems, now we’re looking at the root causes and finding ways to correct that and give people an opportunity to live not only to 100 but a golden 100, not this 30 years of chronic illness that most people have at the end of their life.” -ron
“Miracles can happen. Because the body is a self healing organism. We are made to take care of ourselves. If we give the body what it needs, it will do the job.” -hyla
there is a lot of garbage on the internet. when someone has a website or videos online, you have to ask yourself what is their motive. what are their credentials? their back story? are they selling you something? financial motivation?
what is a processed food?
how old is your food?
how do get your vitamin baseline?
your unique genetic predispositions, biometrics, vitamin levels & deficiencies…