Daily Basic Dental Hygiene
• floss (always before brushing; if only once daily then before bed; flossing scrapes the junk your brush is unable to reach)
• scrape your tongue (tongues are pink, not white)
• brush twice daily (once after breakfast, once before bed)
• rinse with mouthwash (don’t rinse with water after, let it work) try TheraBreath
• drink lots of water
• eat less sugar
• eat less meat
• parsley has a deodorizing effect; not just food ornament, chew on fresh leaves after each meal
• eat more veggies (especially peeled cucumber chunk in morning and night; apples are also good; chew on parsley)
More Tips
• Visit the dentist every 6 months for cleanings. More often if necessary.
• H2O2: gargle with hydrogen peroxide once in awhile, alleviates halitosis and symptoms. H2O2 seems like the most recommended mouth wash (lots of ignorance/fud though, mostly via warnings related to concentrated whitening solutions that stay on teeth for long amounts of time)
• bad = glycerin based mouth care products, which is in most toothpastes. It coats your teeth & mouth, which prevents remineralization. I stopped using toothpaste altogether, and just use a toothbrush with water for 4 years now and no issues. Floss & brush 2x daily…
• buy a waterpik, especially if you have tonsil stones! waterpik them away… Then prevent them by flossing, brushing tongue & rinse mouth throughly before going to bed
• eat a chunk of fresh and ripe cucumber before bed & after breakfast, helps combat even chronic bad breath. why? hydrates & flushes the mouth, is anti-bacterial which neutralizes the bacteria in your mouth and the gasses they excrete. Of course, proper dental hygiene is very important. But some people have mouths that produce more stench than others, thus cucumber is a nice 10-12 hour solution.
/\ if burping or heartburn, peel off the skin. Also try english cucumbers, they have little to no seeds which may also be a cause…
Takes minutes & lasts for 5-7 days per application:
a) hydrogen peroxide
b) probiotic tablets (BLIS M18 is a probiotic strain that actually fights cavity causing bacteria!)
1) floss/brush regularly
2) use a mouthwash cap, cough syrup measuring cup, etc. Fill half with H2O2 & other half water
3) swish & gargle in mouth
4) rinse your mouth
5) pop a probiotic tablet in your mouth and chew it up, don’t swallow, let it cover your whole mouth & tongue, let the probiotic colonize everywhere possible
6) can spit/rinse or just spit
Read up on the studies regarding BLIS M18 & cavity prevention.