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free ebook @
The Complete Mouth Care System is free, but she also has a $99 “oral health boot camp” @
“I have used this system for over 40 years, all my kids and grandkids use it… my friends and patients. This is something I have great confidence in recommending.”
–Dr. Ellie
You will be purchasing 5 very specific, but commonly available grocery store items.
Xylitol will be used after each meal, it can be in the form of granules, or gum with xylitol, or can purchase her “Zellies” xylitol mints.
Then, at least twice per day:
• once in the morning
• last thing before bed
Do NOT rinse the mouth with water between or after any of the below steps:
1) CloSYS Pre-Rinse (rinse for 1 minute)
• use this rinse prior to brushing
• side note: do not add the mint flavoring that is included in the package
• this pH neutral rinse ensures brushing of teeth does not happen with an acidic mouth (minimizing teeth damage)
2) Brush teeth with Crest toothpaste (1-2 minutes)
• must specifically buy the “Regular Cavity Protection” version
• the active ingredient is sodium fluoride (not stannous fluouride) at a small but optimal concentration
• this toothpaste also has the proper abrasion & no glycerine
3) Listerine (rinse for 30-60 seconds)
• targets the bacteria that cause plaque buildup & gingivitis with three active ingredients: eucalyptus essential oil, menthol essential oil, and thymol essential oil
4) ACT anti-cavity (rinse for 1 minute)
• must specifically but the green version (zero alcohol, 0.05 fluoride solution)
• very dilute but extremely effective sodium fluoride solution
• helps prevent & reverse cavities, strengthen teeth, reduce sensitivity, and leaves your breath fresh
Xylitol (use after every meal)
• after every meal, rinse with 6-10 grams, or use a xylitol gum or “Zellies” xylitol mints
• not all Xylitol is created equal, must use a high quality version
• daily use of xylitol protects the mouth from acidity & helps remineralize teeth & loosen plaque on teeth
• can be used in any situation where you want to stop mouth acidity quickly
Xylitol stimulates a flow of mineral dense saliva at the right pH to help repair the outside coating on the surface of your teeth. The strep. mutans (responsible for cavities) eat xylitol, which disables their ability to produce the acid. Otherwise that acid demineralizes your teeth that creates cavities. Xylitol also inhibits the growth of the strep. mutans colonies.
Xylitol & CloSYS have different effects, but a synergistic relationship. Use both appropriately & enjoy the outcome.
• far more than simply “combat acidity”
• reacts with mouth saliva to create oxygen and oxygenate the mouth
• helps eliminate “low-oxygen loving” periodontal pathogens
• promotes an environment that develops healthy bacteria
• the more acidic your mouth, the more benefit from this oxygenating reaction, which is why closys is the ideal start to my Complete Mouth Care System routine for oral care
Do not confuse chlorine dioxide (Closys) with chlorine (the disinfectant). Chlorine dioxide reacts only with your saliva – and when it does the interaction is that chlorine dioxide turns to oxygen. This is very useful in pockets around teeth – where harmful gum bacteria grow and multiply.
The harmful gum disease bacteria are anaerobic, and hate oxygen, so Closys makes life uncomfortable for harmful gum disease bacteria – and they no longer live in these pockets.
Closys does not damage any of the good bacteria in the mouth. None of the rinses that I recommend do any damage to the healthy bacteria in our mouth.
I have used my system of care for over 40 years (twice or x3 daily) and I have been tested with the widest diversity of healthy bacteria that this dentist had ever tested!
Chemical Concerns
“Yes, I wish I could offer you a solution for oral health that did not have colors and some ingredients – but you are spitting this out – and consider the overall health damage from oral disease – it far outweighs the rinsing with some green colored products. I have used this system for over 40 years, all my kids and grandkids use it… my friends and patients – this is something I have great confidence in recommending. Why not try it until your mouth is healthy – then you can reconsider?” –Dr. Ellie Page
• remineralization the outside casing of the tooth is the absolute first thing you must do
• naturally it takes about 12 months, but this can be sped up to only 3-4 months by using the right kind of toothpaste and mouth rinse
• rinse 2-3 times per day with sodium fluouride at 0.05, which is very insignificant level
• Must stop eating sugars! Must stop any carbonated drinks (even sparkling water is acidic)! Add excess minerals!
• eating & drinking breaks down the enamel in your teeth
• even drinking water will dilute your saliva which is needed for teeth remineralization
• after every single meal, swish your mouth with xylitol
Enamel isn’t alive, it is crystalized form. Enamel can add to itself, provided the liquid/solution is at correct pH & packed with minerals. Your saliva is a miracle worker, and helps transport the minerals needed to your teeth.
Tooth Decay
• if you have decay that goes into the dentin, it means there are bacteria deeper inside your tooth
• you can repair the outside of the tooth, but if a tiny hole remains, this is a feeding tube to the bacteria inside the dentin; this hole must be repaired so that the bacteria can be removed
Baking Soda = Bad
Never use hydrogen peroxide or baking soda, they strip away the healthy bacteria in the biofilm, a protein layer we need to re-establish in your mouth.
Hydrogen Peroxide = Bad
I never recommend hydrogen peroxide. It will dissolve the proteins that are the scaffold for oral biofilm. Oral biofilm is an essential and protective covering that defends our teeth, gums and mouth from thermal, chemical and bacterial invasion. I worry that the use of peroxide can leave the skin of your mouth unprotected and susceptible to viruses and fungi (and possibly oral cancer) and teeth more susceptible to temperature and mechanical wear and tear – leading to sensitivity, gum recession, abrasion and enamel loss. Hydrogen peroxide may indeed create oxygen, but it does not do this in the gentle way that Closys does.
Lost Filling
You can start my system to prevent other fillings from falling out. It is not the fillings that deteriorate – but the enamel around them that gets weak. This may prevent more of this kind of treatment – but it sounds too late to save that specific tooth. I always advise patients see an endodontist for root canal treatments – they are the experts and will do it more quickly usually and with more expertise since that is all they do day in and day out.