Similar to the Mean Green drink, here is a basic juice recipe:
• carrot
• cucumber
• celery
• apple
• lemon
• ginger
• kale or parsley or rocket
You can juice spinach or any green leaves, zucchini, onion, fennel even pumpkin and sweet potatoes.
You can add a piece of fruit to give a bit of sweetness. Beet root is also a sweetener, very healthy for liver detox, but do not take too much as it is very powerful.
Aim for a variety, this provides different types of nutrients to your body. Some recommend drinking 3 liters of juice per day, but I could never drink that much juice, let alone afford it. So just drink as much as you can (along with lots of water with lemon).
Just a heads up you may initially feel sick as your body begins to detox. However with patience it will soon pass. Drink lots of lemon water, it will help. I was also very sick all the time that’s why I did the juice fast and it was a life saver but be careful when you finish the fast not to over eat for a few days, take it easy after you break the fast remember your digestive system kind of shuts down during a prolong fast.